
how to calculate quantity of cement

Quantity of cement

 Quantity of mortar = Quantity of brickwork – Volume of Bricks

Volume of bricks =0.070 CFT x 500 No’s = 35 CFT

Quantity of mortar = 45 – 35

                                     = 10 CFT

Mix Ratio –> 1:5

Dry volume of mortar = Wet volume x (1+0.33) (33% of volume)

Dry Volume of mortar= 10 x 1.33 = 13.3 CFT

Consider 5% wastage of mortar.

Dry volume of mortar = 13.3 + (13.3 x 0.05) = 13.3+0.665 = 13.965 ≊ 14 CFT

Quantity of Cement = {(Dry Volume of mortar x Cement ratio) / (Sum of the ratio)}

∴Quantity of cement = (14 x 1) /(1+5)=2.333 CFT

Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m³                 

1 m³=35.3147 Cubic Feet (CFT)

∴ Quantity of Cement = 2.333/35.3147 = 0.066 m³

∴ Weight of Cement = 1440 x 0.066 = 95.04 Kg

1 bag of cement contains 50 kg of cement

∴ Number of bags = 95.04 Kg / 50 kg = 1.90 No’s (Say 2 No of bags)

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